
Phil Wong plays John, a cook from San Francisco’s Chinatown working in a Nob Hill mansion inhabited by Stacy Ross as Julie, flanked by Miyaka P. Cochrane (back left) and Charlie Gray in “Free for All: A New ‘Miss Julie’ for a New World,” at the Exit on Taylor.照片:本克兰茨/切割球剧院



如果由Ariel Craft开发和指导的结果,感觉就像一千个方向爆炸的躁动,大部分意大利面扔到墙上。

查理灰色(左),Stacy Ross(中间)和Miyaka P. Cochrane滑雪山上的旧金山山坡上的“免费:一个新的”朱莉“为一个新世界。”照片:本克兰茨/切割球剧院

Strindberg让观众只有当她为男性凝视呈现出来时,才会看到朱莉。科恩的第一个自负,以及她最成功的一个,就是潜入朱莉(Stacy Ross)的意识流,因为她在一个新的洪水之前的一种新的冰河时才滑雪羽毛山。

作为两个助手(Miyaka P. Cochrane和Charlie Gray)上下鲍勃,暗示转弯和颠簸,第三个(etheya trinidad)在工业粉丝之前摇动了少数五彩纸屑!- 朱莉想象着和重新成为她的真实自我,无论如何:“我会成为一个完整的朱莉,”她呼吸。“没有人会记住老朱莉。老朱莉有点儿。我可能会更好。“


朱莉和约翰(菲尔旺)碰撞她的仆人之一,她甚至没有认识到他在雪中的山上洗牌时,用一袋杂货,为她投掷但害怕恐惧。科恩也让约翰变得比他的源材料更真实。骑士残酷走了;in its place is a kind of offhand sarcasm, one that doesn’t really need to be heard but still kind of hopes to, one that wants to see where this conversation goes, but one that doesn’t care anymore — isn’t the world ending with this whole climate catastrophe, or something?

Stacy Ross(左)和Phil Wong o o ogle作为富人和强大的Brockingfield和Jacobson在“免费之中:一个新世界的新的”朱莉“。”照片:本克兰茨/切割球剧院

As their encounter crackles and glows, extending into the party Julie hosts for white-tie curs like Jacobson and Brockingfield (also played, hilariously, by Ross and Wong) and their blankly smiling female arm candy, Cohen has Julie and John’s pre- and postcoital banter take wing on so many images — dead pigeons and pet pigeons and hard-boiled eggs and frozen eggs and hot flashes and dumpster dives and dreams and cigarette cravings and hot cocoa — that the script outruns itself.



在接受采访中,科恩已经将她的新戏剧描述为喜剧,但“自由所有人”仍然存在垮台。Strindberg bisected his play not just by gender but also by class, and Cohen fashions a conclusion that feels exactly right for San Francisco’s own breed of rampant inequality and class entitlement, where we daily see all around us who gets to have the smiley ending, and who gets left behind.

m“全部免费:一个新世界的新的”朱莉“:由Megan Cohen撰写。由Ariel Craft开发和定向。到10月20日。一小时,45分钟。$ 15- 45美元。出口泰勒,277泰勒圣,S.F.415-525-1205。https://cuttingball.com.

  • 莉莉贾基亚克
    莉莉贾基亚克Lily Janiak是旧金山纪事的剧院批评。电子邮件:ljaniak@sfhonleic.com推特:@lilyjaniak