点评:陈旧的Cherokee历史,在MTC的“主权”中的Ungainly Dramaturgy'

合奏 - 伊丽莎白弗朗西斯(左),Adam Magill,Kholan Studi,Scott Coopwood,Andrew Roa和Robert I. Mesa - 在Marin剧院公司的“主权”中签署新奥波托的条约。照片:Kevin Berne / Marin Theatre公司

“主权,”John Ridge(Robert I. Mesa)说,“是我说语言的时候。”

He’s speaking in Cherokee, translated into English by John Ross (Jake Waid), as the pair — future enemies, but allies for now — prepare a Supreme Court case against the state of Georgia, against President Andrew Jackson’s administration, to protect their tribe’s right to sovereignty.

这是玛丽·凯瑞恩纳格勒的“主权”和元的一系列。它占据了展示本身 - 由由马林剧院公司生产的Cherokee作者借用,其中五个行动者的美国原住民血统 - 作为主权的行为。When you speak a language that has long been suppressed and erased, when you write a play that tells your people’s story, not just its past but its present and future, all in an art form that has often ignored or caricatured that people — you’re waging sovereignty.


Sarah Ridge Polson(伊丽莎白Frances)在Marin Theatre公司的“主权”中最高法院之前证明了最高法院。照片:Kevin Berne / Marin Theatre公司

The West Coast premiere, which opened Tuesday, Oct. 1, under the direction of Jasson Minadakis, follows Sarah Ridge Polson (Elizabeth Frances), a lawyer focused on restoring and protecting native peoples’ rights to authority over their own land — rights inscribed in U.S. law by 1832’s Worcester vs. Georgia, curtailed by 1978’s Oliphant vs. Suquamish Indian Tribe, and then partially reinstated by the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Nagle的价值前提是平行的Sarah战斗,在伍斯特的祖先在伍斯特的祖母斗争中实施VAWA,即在没有明确许可的情况下,立即禁止乔治亚州法律进入Cherokee Nation。山脊,罗斯和其他人的希望是这种情况会对白格鲁吉亚人的癫痫发作的案件产生影响,他们的乳房妇女强奸和1830年代的印度拆除法案。

Sarah Ridge Polson(伊丽莎白弗朗西斯,左)和Jim Ross(Jake Waid)在Marin Theatre公司的“主权”中的一个重要法庭案例中战略制定战略。照片:Kevin Berne / Marin Theatre公司

It’s telling and sobering how Sarah has to re-legislate, almost two centuries later, a battle her family already fought and ostensibly won, though President Jackson refused to enforce that victory, splintering the Cherokees into those who agreed to sign the Treaty of New Echota, which led to the Trail of Tears, and those who refused. The two sides are epitomized by the Ridge and Ross families of this production.

戏剧中最精彩的时刻是莎拉终于在最高法院之前发言,给予法律论证Qua Virtuoso Smackdown,这是与专家起搏的弗朗斯分数。她建立了一个遇险信号,然后减少了一个嘶嘶声,强调正确的话,一切都在辐射几个世纪的正义愤怒。“部落司法管辖区不是违宪的,”她可以飞翔。“这是预先打印的。”

Sarah Ridge Polson(伊丽莎白弗朗西斯)回家于马林剧院公司的“主权”中的Cherokee国家。照片:Kevin Berne / Marin Theatre公司


对话是秃头展示:“切诺基是母系,”萨拉的阿姨弗洛拉(Ella Dershowitz)说。“所以孩子们跟着母亲?”回复本(克雷格标志),莎拉的未婚夫。



本(克雷格标记,左)为Sarah Ridge Polson(Elizabeth Frances)为Sarah的祖先,主要山脊(Andrew Roa,Background),在Marin剧院公司的“主权”中观察到。照片:Kevin Berne / Marin Theatre公司

一些Minadakis'铸造的元帅真正的力量。Waid, as two members of the Ross family, exudes quiet, steady self-confidence that doesn’t need to perturb itself or others to be felt, and Andrew Roa reveals two members of the Ridge family who each have an iron hold on their sense of self, no matter what the world might try to take away from them.

在各种集合角色的Scott Coopwood中,给予了大师课程,以维持无情的注意力,并且不断寻找他的现场合作伙伴为他提供的燃料和火花 - 对不可预测的目的的注意力,使剧院感到不明显。


L.“主权”:由玛丽·凯瑟琳纳格尔撰写。由jasson minadakis指导。到10月20日。两个小时,15分钟。$ 25-70。Marin Theatre公司,397米勒大道,轧机山谷。415-388-5208。www.marintheatre.org.

  • 莉莉贾基亚克
    莉莉贾基亚克Lily Janiak是旧金山纪事的剧院批评。电子邮件:ljaniak@sfhonleic.com推特:@lilyjaniak