蒂图巴(Tituba)是奴隶,然后是女巫,然后是讽刺漫画。Now, in ‘Witch Hunt,’ she’s a human

Renee Rogoff plays Tituba in Those Women Productions’ “Witch Hunt” at La Val’s Subterranean Theater..照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》

剧作家Carol S. Lashof坚持认为亚瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)的“坩埚”不仅是她的新戏《女巫狩猎》的研究来源。对她来说,这是“挑衅的来源”。

几年前,Lashof重读了1953年的Classic,它使用了从塞勒姆女巫试验到批评麦卡锡主义的历史人物。首先,她说她“遇到了阿比盖尔·威廉姆斯(Abigail Williams)不是亚瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)描绘的17岁的鞋面”,而是在审判时是一个11岁的孩子。阿比盖尔(Abigail)在戏剧中的前爱好者约翰·普罗克特(John Proctor)在现实生活中已有60岁。

“女巫狩猎”剧作家Carol S. Lashof。照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》

Feeling “ticked off,” Lashof went down a research rabbit hole, where she found another egregious — and a more artistically fruitful — discrepancy in Miller’s portrayal of Tituba, a slave who was among the first accused of witchcraft and the first to confess to the crime, implicating others in it and further inflaming Puritans’ fears.

这一发现是拉索夫(Lashof)对蒂图巴(Tituba)生活的重新构架的“女巫狩猎”的中心,该生活贯穿于8月4日在伊丽莎白·维加(Elizabeth Vega)执导的La Val Subterranean剧院。

对于Lashof,Tituba都提供了“最有趣的故事”和“对我来说,最多透露了我先前无知的深度”。据Vega所说,与传记作家伊莱恩·布雷斯劳(Elaine Breslaw)说,蒂图巴(Tituba)不是非洲人,与她在“ 1950年代妈妈”中的“坩埚”中的刻画形成鲜明对比。她是印度人,可能是从南美洲出售给巴巴多斯奴隶制之前的南美。她没有练习黑魔法。她没有带领清教徒女孩误入歧途。

史蒂文·弗洛雷斯(Steven Flores)像约翰(John)(左)和蕾妮·罗戈夫(Renee Rogoff)在“女巫狩猎”中饰演蒂图巴(Tituba)。照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》

“Witch Hunt” gives Tituba hopes and fears, virtues and flaws. It gives her goals, and it makes her strategic in pursuit of them. In short, it makes Tituba a person.

Tituba “was ripped from her home in a violently traumatic way,” says Rene Rogoff, who plays the role. “She never went back home, dreamt her whole life of home. It’s a story of hope that never is fulfilled.” Tituba knows it’s hopeless, but “she won’t admit it. … She’s really fighting with herself, and she’s fighting for herself at the same time.”

蕾妮·罗戈夫(Renee Rogoff)扮演“巫婆狩猎”中被指控涉嫌巫术的奴隶Tituba。照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》

“令人惊奇的看到她打架l多么困难ittle she has — and the value she finds in the little she has” — a husband in John (Steven Flores) and a baby, Rogoff continues. “For us as women, we don’t ask for a lot of what we get, but we’re better at dealing with the hand we’re dealt, as opposed to men, who get to get a new hand.”

在新剧中,蒂图巴(Tituba)的斗争在她接受巫术的审判时就陷入了困境。蒂图巴(Tituba)不承认,因为她被迷住了,因为她迷住了别人或因为她是一个简单的人。她承认:“拯救家人 - 有点终于把它送给了他们。”“如果您被推动了,并被推开,推动了 - 当您终于有机会向后推,那就接受。”

索非亚·安吉洛斯(Sofia Angelopoulos)在《女巫狩猎》中,这是一部由亚瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)的《坩埚》背后的真理引起的戏剧。照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》


Lashof和Rogoff都对讲述Tituba的故事感到焦虑 - Lashof部分是因为“我是一位老白人女士”,部分是因为“我看起来是白人,而且很多人认为我是白人。”(她认为是混合种族。)深入研究很痛苦。在其他人经常犯错之后,他们感到有责任使故事正确。

导演伊丽莎白·维加(Elizabeth Vega)在彩排之前浏览了剧本,以“狩猎女巫狩猎”。照片:乔西·诺里斯(Josie Norris) /《纪事》



Vega解释说:“我们非常害怕它,因为没有网络,没有什么可以阻止它的。”“We want to blame it on all of these things because we don’t want to blame it on American society, and we don’t want to blame it on human nature, and we don’t want to blame it on all of the things that are still happening right now.”


“Witch Hunt”:Written by Carol S. Lashof. Directed by Elizabeth Vega. Through Aug. 4. Pay-what-you-choose; $30 suggested donation. La Val’s Subterranean Theater, 1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley.https://witchhunt.brownpapertickets.com

  • 莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)
    莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)莉莉·贾尼亚克(Lily Janiak)is The San Francisco Chronicle’s theater critic. Email: ljaniak@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @LilyJaniak